Redirect customers after registration on Shopify with Customer Fields

A customer registers for an account on your Shopify store. What do they see next?
By default, customers on Shopify will be directed to the store’s account page after submitting your registration form. However, there are many ways you can optimize these form redirects in order to increase order conversion and simplify your customer’s shopping experience.
For example, imagine a camp registration form where after submitting your registration form, a customer is redirected to checkout with the camp registration fee and a camp t-shirt already added to the cart:
This form was created using the Customer Fields app for Shopify, and in this article, we will introduce a few powerful redirect tools that will allow you to control the redirect URL after a customer registers for an account.
Manually redirect by editing theme code
For the hands-on approach for developers, read this guide on how to edit layout/theme.liquid
to redirect customers after registration
Set a redirect URL via form-level settings
Using the Customer Fields app, you can set up multiple registration forms (such as unique forms for both retail and wholesale customers). This also allows you to set up a global redirect URL for each form. For example, you could send your retail customers to a certain collection, and send wholesalers to a separate collection with discounted wholesaler pricing.
Create conditional redirect URL via form rules
Using Form Rules within Customer Fields, you can redirect customers to different URLs based on certain conditions you define. For example, you can redirect all customers who select “female” as their gender to a collection specifically for women (ie: /collections/for-her) and all customers who select “male” to a separate collection (ie: /collections/for-him). You can take it even further with form variables. Learn more
Get started with Customer Fields
Add new fields to your registration form, create multiple registration forms for different users, save unique customer segments and more.
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