
Case Study: Saving 2 hours a day on B2B signups for licensed professionals and retailers

Learn how Shopify Plus brand Philocaly streamlines B2B inquiries and onboarding with Helium Customer Fields

Philocaly Hair Extensions logo, woman with wavy blonde hair, and testimonial: “Customer Fields saves us easily 2 hours a day.” - Pamela Adam

Company Profile

Company Name: Philocaly

Industry: Beauty and Haircare

Size: Lean and Mighty (5-10 employees)

Location: Alberta, Canada

Shopify Usage: Entire company lifespan (approximately 6 years)

Role Interviewed: Pamela Adam, a multifaceted team member involved in everything from content creation to customer service and technical advising.


Before using Customer Fields, Philocaly used a manual and time-consuming process to approve professional hairstylists, who are required to have professional credentials to purchase from Philocaly’s professional collections.

Tedious manual tasks, including copying and pasting information into spreadsheets for their sales team or manually tagging accounts in Shopify, hindered Philocaly’s ability to scale effectively.

“Prior to Customer Fields, approving new customers was such a process… I had to do so much clicking, copy and pasting, and with this, I can easily see relevant data and just say yes or no.”


By implementing Customer Fields, Philocaly automated the collection of hairstylist credentials while still allowing efficient, pre-account approval/denial. With one click, a customer is approved or denied which triggers a pre-written email template providing next steps.

Additionally, Customer Fields provided the capability to pull segmented reports directly from the app, eliminating the need for manual data entry into spreadsheets. This empowers the sales team to both quickly assist new customers, and access account data while selling to existing accounts.


Time Savings

The implementation of Customer Fields resulted in significant time savings for the Philocaly team, estimated at approximately 2 hours per day.

“Customer Fields saves us easily 2 hours a day.”

Improved Customer Experience

The streamlined account approval process improved the overall customer experience for professional hairstylists and gave them the ability to edit their accounts directly within Customer Fields.

”I’m more in control of [the customer approval] process.”

Operational Efficiency

Customer Fields allows the Philocaly team to do more with less, leading to increased efficiency for the sales team, reduced costs as a result of relying less on the web development team, and less frustration for all parties involved.

“Before I had to contact our web development team all the time, which I know they hated”

Blonde hair with a gold clip and testimonial: "Before I had to contact our web development team all the time, which I know they hated." - Pamela Adam

Enhanced Reporting and Segmentation

The ability to pull segmented reports directly from Customer Fields provided valuable insights into customer demographics and behavior, allowing for more targeted and effective sales strategies.

“I can actually just regenerate the report and refresh it for our sales team so that they can follow up with the lead.”


“Customer Fields is an invaluable service. It helps everything to be seamless from start to finish: from registering to adding to cart. Everything is seamless and accessible.”

The adoption of Customer Fields by Philocaly revolutionized the company’s approach to professional account management and operational efficiency, allowing a small but rapidly growing Shopify Plus brand to streamline operations, improve customer experience, and grow!

Shopify B2B Registration, made simple

Whether you're using Shopify Plus or another Shopify plan, Customer Fields has all the tools you need to streamline B2B inquiries and get retailers onboarded quickly.

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